Monday 5 November 2012

FMS Photo-A-Day Challenge - October Week 5

So October draws to a close and November begins with a fresh set of photo prompts from Fat Mum Slim.

This week's prompts were:
Day 29: Moon
Day 30: Clothes
Day 31: Whatever you Please
Day 1: Something Beginning with 'C'
Day 2: Colour
Day 3: Breakfast
Day 4: TV

And here they are:

Clothes - My sparkly shawl to keep warm at work,
Black vest and shorts, Black jeans and blue toenails
Beige top (under the shawl!), Dog walking gear

Whatever you please... Office Dino trying to decide what to wear
for Halloween... Giant Butterfly? Skater Dino? Thor? 

Moon, Something beginning with 'C'
Colour, Breakfast

TV... It's not working, so I'm about to start a new Zendala!

Join In, Play Along!

Happy snapping...

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